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Nose Disease

Nasal disease can cause breathing difficulties, loss of appetite, and discomfort for pets. If left untreated, it can also lead to more serious conditions such as infections, tumors, and in severe cases, respiratory failure. We offer non-invasive solutions to treat your furry friend. Our goal is to ensure that pets receive the best possible care for their nasal health so that they can live happy and healthy lives.

Image by Anna Dudkova

How We Diagnose Nose Disease


CT scans and rhinoscopy are common and safe techniques that we use for diagnosing nasal disease. These procedures are minimally invasive and give us a clear visualization of what may be happening inside your pet's nasal cavities.

Computerized Tomography (CT Scan)

Computerized Tomography (CT scan) gives us detailed, three-dimensional images of your pet's bones, organs, and tissues; better than a traditional X-ray. When diagnosing nasal disease, we do a CT scan to see the entire head, neck, and chest. 


A rhinoscopy is a non-invasive procedure where a small-diameter endoscope is placed into the nasal cavity. All nasal passageways from the end of the nose to the back of the throat are clearly visualized to identify the cause of your pet's nasal signs. 

How We Treat Nose Disease


We pride ourselves in specializing in minimally invasive procedures to treat your pet's nasal conditions. Our treatments include nasal tumor resection, radiation therapy (HDR brachytherapy), endoscopic removal of foreign bodies, endoscopic removal of fungal plaques, nasopharyngeal stenosis treatment, and brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) treatment.

Nasal Tumor Resection

Tumor tissue filling nasal cavities is removed using endoscopic visualization and instruments placed alongside the scope through the nostrils. Minimally invasive removal of nasal tumor tissue temporarily helps your pet breathe better through their nose, stops bleeding, and helps control infection while your pet receives radiation therapy.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is the best treatment for all types of nasal cancerWe use high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy also referred to as internal radiation therapy. The source of radiation (that which emits the radiation) is placed into the nasal cavity through several small diameter hollow catheters placed through the nostrils into the nasal cavity. Brachytherapy reduces the risk of harming healthy tissue, can be shaped exactly to the desired treatment area, and allows for higher doses given in one treatment.  

Endoscopic Removal (for foreign bodies)

Endoscopic foreign body removal is a minimally invasive procedure we use to remove a foreign object from your pet's nose. While using an endoscope (a small diameter tube attached to a camera), we are able to visually examine the internal cavities of the nose and carefully remove the foreign object. 

Endoscopic Aspergillus Treatment (nasal fungal disease)

Fungal infection (aspergillus) causes severe damage to the nasal cavity. The fungus forms a ball or plaque of fungal material within the nasal cavity or sinuses that must be removed. We remove the fungal plaque non-invasively using endoscopic visualization and a suction tube alongside the scope. We then soak the nasal cavity with medication that kills the fungus. 

Nasopharyngeal Stenosis Treatment

Nasopharyngeal stenosis is a condition where your pet may have trouble breathing through their nose because of scarring causing blockage in the chamber behind the nasal cavities called the nasopharynx. The area of obstruction is dilated with a high-pressure balloon or is ablated using an instrument that disintegrates and cauterizes the scar tissue. We then place a stent to hold that area open or treat it with a chemotherapy agent that prevents the scar tissue from reforming. 

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome Treatment

Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) is a common condition seen in dogs with short noses (bulldogs, pugs). There are multiple levels of upper airway obstruction.  Upper airway obstruction causes snoring and difficulty breathing. Left untreated, the condition worsens and may become life-threatening. Our treatments include stenotic nares surgery, soft palate resection, everted saccule resection, and endoscopic removal of obstructing turbinates (folds inside the nose).

Your Pet is Our #1 Priority


We are committed to prioritizing the health, safety, and comfort of your pet when determining the right treatment option. We hope that our passion and expertise in what we do will bring you confidence in knowing that your pet has been placed in the very best hands possible. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your pet's diagnosis or treatment.​

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